Real People - Real Lives - Real Horoscopes
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Excellence in Astrology is what you will find when you purchase a unique report through Horoscopes Within. Your horoscope report is calculated using your precise birth information and the best astrological computer software available. They make an excellent gift idea for yourself, or anyone you know that would read their horoscope.
E-mail orders are processed and delivered within 24 hours, most times within a few short hours of processing your information. If you do not receive your order within 24 hours, please do not hesitate to email.
Birth charts and horoscopes can be calculated by hand, a time consuming and painstaking process. God bless the astrologer that came before me and the computer age. Having computer software makes it easy to calculate the horoscope and guarantees complete accuracy when compiling your chart data. More time can be spent creating your report instead of calculating it.
Interpretations of your horoscope reports are given by the finest Astrologers known in the Astrological and Horoscope Community. They are the “Masters of Astrology”, the people that wrote the books that any student of astrology would read. A sample link is provided by each report, so you can better choose the best horoscope for you.
Read what customers have said about their report at the bottom of this page.
Your report will be conveniently emailed to you in a format that you can print and enjoy for years to come. For those users that do not have printer capabilities, a hard copy of your report can be mailed to you for a nominal fee, if you choose this option.
Reports Guarantee: It is simple! If the report you order and receive does not reflect the birth date and details you submitted when ordering, then you are entitled to your choice of either a new report, a credit or exchange. Due to the custom nature of each report, there is no exchange and no refund under any other circumstance. It is
impossible to cancel once the order has been placed. We are proud of our customer service; however we do not exchange reports once the order has been sent.
Questions related to astrology or personal circumstances may go unanswered due to the volume of email received. While personal consultations are available, not everyone can afford them. Another reason to consider a personal horoscope report from Horoscopes Within.
Please review each report thoroughly and take a look at the sample reports offered before making your purchase. If you have any questions, please email.
*Personal Reports*
*Astro Talk* The Most Popular Astrological Report for over 20 years!
A no-nonsense description of the basic planetary configurations present in your life and how they affect you, have made Astro*Talk
the number #1 selling Personal Astrological Forecast for those that have absolutely no knowledge of astrology.
The first and largest chapter of an Astro*Talk takes you through the planets and their aspects, beginning with the sun and the moon. There is also a description of your major life periods, a close up look at your current situation and your personal background, complete with the exact dates of your Saturn transits. Do things in your life change rapidly? Or, is your life pretty steady and straightforward? Discover your burn rate. Elemental balance, challenges, abilities and major transits are all in your Astro*Talk horoscope report.
Interpretations by Michael Erlewine, Astrologer, Author, founder of Matrix Astrology, founder of The
Heart Center Library, the largest astrological library in North America, which is open to the public, as well as numerous other achievements. His work, dedication and expertise is revealed in every Astro*Talk report. This is easy in-depth Astrology you won't want to be without and an Astrology report that reads easily for all ages.
Join the list of satisfied customers!
Average report length 20+ pages
$16.95 Purchase
*Your Solar Return* An instant overview of your year ahead
Every year, right around your birthday, the sun will return the place it held in your chart at birth. The solar return chart is calculated for the exact moment that the sun returns to the exact position it held when you were born using your current location. Your Solar Return may vary within 2 days of your birthday; most times it occurs within hours of your actual birth time. The Solar Return chart is read like your natal chart; however the planets will have changed signs and houses will be different. This chart shows the themes that will dictate your experiences from your return date through your next birthday. Due to the outer planets slower transits, some themes will be in affect before your birthday and some aspects could influence your circumstances up to 3 months after your next solar return.
The sun is the most important Star in your horoscope. It always points to what you identify with, your successes and where you'll shine. It is your life force and your light within. Where you find the Sun in your solar Return chart will point to the area that will be expressed in the coming year. This is where your report begins. The rest of your reading will interpret the houses, planets and aspects to the sensitive angels in your chart and all other aspects made within the chart. This is your new yearly cycle; you'll be amazed by its accuracy.
Interpretations are based upon the principles outlined in The Solar Return Book of Prediction by Raymond A. Merriman. Your solar return can be generated for any year, past, present or futures birthdays.
A detailed roadmap for the year ahead!
Average report length 40+ pages
$16.95 Purchase
*Midpoint Keys* The Most Powerful in-depth Horoscope Report on the Planet!
Historically, midpoints have been used to interpret charts and significant events since 1200 AD. A midpoint is the center point between two planets, and/or personal points which include the Midheaven (MC), Ascendant (1st house rising sign cusp) and the moons nodes.
This report offers an explanation of midpoints, lists all of the natal, progressed, and current transit midpoints, and provides you with the dates as well as details of the energy which will be noted in your personal circumstances. These are "hot spots" or active points.
If you are interested in finding out where your active points are and the dates these areas will be a hot spot in your personal life, get a Midpoint Keys report. Each report provides several levels of interpretation: emotional, spiritual, physical, and health and demands more discrimination .
The Health associations are made not as a prediction or a diagnosis, but as one of many possibilities and should only be considered when such physical or medical indications exist. YOUR MIDPOINT KEYS REPORT IS NOT A MEDICAL DIAGNOSTIC TOOL.
Physical or psychological symptoms should be referred to the proper medical professional for evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment.
This is Hardcore Astrology!
Average report length 35+ - 70+ pages, depending on the length you choose.
12 mo $19.95 Purchase
24 mo $29.95 Purchase
*The Sky Within* Your Personal Horoscope
An eloquently written report based on your unique birth data. This report gives details as to which planets affect particular areas of your life from the moment you opened your eyes at birth and how they have influenced your development.
This report is often compared to a letter from a very close, very wise personal friend. This is your natal chart written in easy to understand terms, giving you detailed examples of how others perceive who you are; the keys to understanding why you are the person you have become and ties together all the influences active within your chart.
Interpretations by Steven Forrest, world renowned and respected Astrologer and author of The Sky Within, The Night Speaks, Sky Mates (with Jodi Forrest), and The Changing Sky. His sensitivity to how our
personalities and potential are expressed in the natal chart, combined with deep universal spirituality is reflected in every report. The Sky Within Report makes a wonderful gift for loved ones, as well as yourself.
Customers love the insight!
Average report length 10-15 pages
$14.95 Purchase
*Your Time Line* Zero In on Your Coming Events!
Time Line is a forecasting report that uses several techniques to pinpoint upcoming events, or to go back and look at important events in your personal history. All reports are generated for your current time line unless you specifically state (in the comment box) that you would like a report for a previous time period.
Eclipses: An Eclipse that contacts an important angle or planet in your chart can create a major turning point in your life. Often the results of an eclipse can point to a crisis in your life, such as a divorce, loss, or an unexpected career change. An eclipse that affects your natal chart by house placement will also tell of where the changes will occur.
Time Line uses the most accurate and affective method of lunar eclipse contacts to the following lunar eclipse point and solar eclipse points to the next solar eclipse point in your chart. Now you can finally look at the months following an eclipse and know ahead of time what you can expect.
Transits: This technique compares where the planets are now (in the Zodiac) with where they were at birth. They vary in intensity according to their duration, which depends on the rate of motion of the transiting planet. Transits are found by referring to an ephemeris of the planets positions for a given year and comparing this information with the positions of the planets and important points in the natal chart.
Progressions: The technique of progressions measures the natural motions of planets against the zodiac during the early part of life, according to some equations such as one day or one month equals one year in your life.
Directions: The technique of directions looks at what happens within a day, according to some equations such as one degree of diurnal motion equals one day in your life. Thus evolves a symbolic method of forecasting based on adding a fixed arc to the natal planets and comparing the directed positions to the natal positions to evaluate the occurrence of aspects.
Ingresses: An ingress is the entrance of the sun, moon, or any planet in a house or sign of the zodiac, with a resulting alteration of its influence. Time Line will calculate the moment of the ingress with great accuracy.
An easy to read walk through time!
Average report length 20+ - 70+ pages, depending on the length you choose.
6 mo $14.95 Purchase
12 mo $24.95 Purchase
*Sky Log* Your Life Now and In the Coming Months
The Sky Log report will take you through the next 3, 6 or 12 months, depending on which report length you choose. This report addresses your current transits which relate to the areas of development in your life at this time, and the clearly explains the areas that are coming up for review due to the aspects associated with your birth chart, your rising sign, and the planets progressions.
Know if your future is going to be sunny, partially sunny, if it's going to sprinkle, or if there are storm warnings on your horizon; it can certainly make it easier to plan ahead. Be ready for the changes ahead and understand how to use the energy to your advantage. Interpretations by Astrologer Steven Forrest.
Average report length 14-50 pages
3 mo $14.95 Purchase
6 mo $19.95 Purchase
12 mo $29.95 Purchase
*Life Progressions* The next chapter in your life story may be the best yet!
Your birth chart gives many clues as to the characteristics you exhibit, your innate habits, your conditioning and much more, but you are not that infant lying in the nursery any longer and your chart is not frozen in time at birth. Your natal chart continues to unfold with each passing day from the time you are born.
We experience life through triumphs and trials and in those experiences we grow as a unique individual. The planets move through the cosmos and our birth planets move as well, and so our lives progress.
Your Life Progressions Report will walk you through the areas affected now, and the transitions that are approaching, providing you with the knowledge to master the changes ahead. This report really can help you make the right life choices at precisely the right time so that you avoid unnecessary stumbles and pitfalls.
Interpretations by Sophia Mason, with 30 years of Astrology study, and Author of numerous Astrology books, acknowledged as the master of progressions and twice named "Best Astrologer" by the American Federation of Astrologers.
Reading a personal Life Progression report is exciting. It is like opening a window on some future version of yourself and getting a glimpse at who you will be and what influences will be impacting your daily life.
Get a jump on life!
Average report length 15-30 pages
$14.95 Purchase
*Simpáticos* Relationship Report
How do the stars match you and a friend or romantic partner? Simpáticos is a composite chart report which combines your birth chart with another persons chart and generates a unique chart combining the two and providing you with the details of your relationship. Understand why you have an attraction to each other, how you communicate in the relationship, and what areas are either strong or weak
points. The sexual aspects are included in the romantic report.
Interpretations by Astrologer Bernie Ashman. Simpáticos is a powerful report that will bring you into an instant awareness of the dynamics at work in your relationship on all levels. Please let
us know if this is a friendship or romantic relationship.
Amazing and in-depth!
Average report length 15-30 pages
$19.95 Purchase
*Friends and Lovers* Astrology and Relationship Compatibility
Unlike the Simpaticos report which is used to determine the type of relationship you will have with a friend or lover, your Friends and Lovers report is the finest astrology report anywhere based on an astrological technique called Synastry.
Synastry takes you through an in-depth analysis of how you respond to another person based on your planets and signs in two separate birth charts. Synastry looks at how you feel about the other person and vice versa. A composite chart can not tell you these important facts. Synastry will tell you if it was love at first sight and why. Synastry reports can be used for any relationship, such as one with a friend, a family member, or a business relationship.
This report is written in four parts:
First, explore how you approach relationships in general.
Second, how are these same questions answered in the other person's chart? What do they bring to each relationship that helps or hinders?
Third, determine how you relate to this person in particular: how do your two charts intertwine to create the feelings you are experiencing.
Fourth, learn how this person relates to you. How will you two get along? What role does each play here?
The answers are fascinating, and many people are startled to find just how revealing their Friends & Lovers Express Personal report is.
No more relationship guessing!
Average Report 20 pages
$19.95 Purchase
*Know your Dog* Your Dog's True Nature 
Astrology isn’t just about people, after all, it's about everything — how the workings of the sky echo at every level through all creatures great and small. Your dog's horoscope is their cosmic DNA, unique to him the moment he took his first breath.
Humans, dogs, cats, and other creatures aren't all cut from the same cloth, so you have to know how to interpret each horoscope in context. In the first place, dogs — and most animals in general — live on a much shorter timescale than humans, because they live shorter lives.
One year of a dog's life and development equals seven years for a human, so a dog has a very different perspective, entirely aside from being a member of another species. Your day is the equivalent of a whole week of life for your dog. If you want to learn a lesson about "living in the now," just ask your dog, whose every moment is seven times more precious than yours.
The more you understand about them to begin with, the truer friends they'll be — and that's why knowing your dog's horoscope is a big step toward knowing your dog. It can help you open up the unique possibilities in your companion as you walk the path of life together, each at your own pace.
Horoscope for your dog!
Average report length 5 pages. No birth time required.
$8.00 Purchase
All sales donated to animal rescue for spay or neuter surgery to control the overpopulation of dogs and cats. Please consider adopting your next companion animal. You will be saving a life.
*Winning Times* Gambling Astrology and Lucky Times
Can Astrology tell you when you will have a lucky day? You bet it can! Astrology is about timing, Winning Times can tell you when
you are most likely to win! Winning Times gives you your lucky times based on your unique birth chart; no one else will have the
same luck as you do. Use it for gambling; playing the slot machines, buying a lottery ticket, playing black jack, roulette, get
the winning hand at the poker table, or play the stock market. People have also used their winning times report for getting a job
interview, finding or receiving unexpected money, getting that lucky phone call they have been waiting for, or receiving an
unexpected gift.
Know when to play the slot machine and when you should stop.
Know when the best times for you will be to play poker, online or at a table.
Know when to sit at the black jack table and when you should walk away.
Know when to invest your money and when not to.
Know when an opportunity is available to find a new job or ask for a raise.
Know when you're really lucky and when you are not, one week, one day, one hour at a time.
You will receive:
Winning Introduction - The Astrology of Luck
Winning Times Report - Easy to read, green means go, red means stop, yellow dots are most beneficial to your luck. Notice each hour
is broken down in 15 minute intervals because your winning aspects last a short time, sometimes 2-4 minutes. Now you will know when
it's time to play and when you should stop.
It's your Lucky Day
Sample PDF file only - You must have free Adobe Reader
Specify the location. If you want this report for your vacation, please include the destination.
1 month $12.95 Purchase
3 months $28.95 Purchase
6 months $48.95 Purchase
Winning is about timing and astrology and Winning Times can give you the best time to play. You can use this report to your advantage
in any area of your life where you need an edge on the competition or a lucky hand.
Note: A friend and customer lost her job unexpectedly last fall which was devastating for her circumstances. She used her Winning
Times lucky day to get her resumes out. Later that week she had an especially lucky time (at 6:30 pm) and decided to stay home by
the phone. She told me the phone rang exactly on her lucky time about a job interview. She was surprised because it was a Friday
evening, but the employer would be out of the office through the middle of the next week. She got the job and the money she asked
for and is still there today. In addition, she purchased her Winning Times to learn about the best times for her to gamble while
she is in Las Vegas; her new job includes travel to Vegas as well!
Additionally, I used this report to find the best time to bid on an online auction and it worked! Interestingly, the auction ended
at my lucky time, so I held off bidding until the last minute and won the item. I have won a lot of online auctions, but lost
several that I really wanted. This particular item was not something I could get any day of the week, so winning felt real good!
Disclaimer: This program should be considered for research or entertainment purposes only. Horoscopes Within,
horoscopeswithin.com, Cornelia Jones and all other domains owned by Cornelia Jones, Matrix Astrology software and all associated
companies are not responsible for any decisions made based on the Winning Times report, or output from this program.
*Astro*Carto*Graphy* Location Report
Have you moved? Are you being relocated because of your job? Have you ever lived somewhere that you just hated, were bored, or had no friends? Maybe you found an area
and made it your home because you felt connected in some way. It's all about the Location based on your birth chart.
If you are somewhere right now and it is temporary, your chart will show it. If you're making a new location your home, your chart will show it. If you're going through several changes in your life, whether they are enriching or challenging, your chart will show what influences are likely to be of importance in that location. If your company is based in a different location and you're tied to
your company because of your position or contract, your chart will show the particular location as being a significant factor concerning your career.
With the help of new technology and computers, Jim Lewis, also known as the pioneer in location Astrology,
devoted his life to the development of the astrological techniques that identify the precise location that achieves the maximum potential for an individual. Jim Lewis created Astro*Carto*Graphy based on the
common believe that an individual has different options, success, and luck in different locations.
Where you locate yourself is often an incredibly important factor in your life, and if you don't like your horoscope, you can change it if you are able to move. With more than 258,000 world locations, precisely plotted and timed, taking your birth chart data and the location you've asked for,
Astro*Carto*Graphy will explain the influences if a particular planet was powerful in that area when you were born.
This is not a report to find your gold mine, but is a report where you can expect to find issues of success, career, relationships and other useful information based on your location whether you live there or are just visiting. Interpretations by Jim Lewis.
Report lengths vary depending on the influences in the area selected. *For example, my family currently lives in an area that shows no significant long-term influences for myself as we are only here a short time because of my husband's career. My daughters report is quite long due to the fact that she will experience many changes in her life while here. She has put down some roots by developing new friendships, she'll graduate from high school, may start college here, she'll get her drivers license, and she has started working and earning her own money. These are all significant factors in her development in this location and are
described in her Astro*Carto*Graphy report. Therefore, my report is much shorter than hers.
Amazing and Accurate!
$19.95 Purchase
*Horizons* More than a Relocation Report
Horizons delivers a new kind of Location Report which includes extensive interpretations, easy to read and understand graphs, as well
as a theme maps that show you precisely where particular influences lie on your personal chart. Know what location is best for your
relationships, finances, home, career, and travel. Know just by looking on the graph how strong the influences will be based on your
unique birth chart. This is a one of a kind Astro Mapping Report!
Report Lengths vary depending on influences to your chart.
*Reports for one person or a couple. All orders must include complete birth date, time, birth location for yourself and/or your partner.
The next best thing to being there!
1 location 12.95 Purchase
3 locations 24.95 Purchase
Add additional locations and partners information in the "MESSAGE BOX" during check out.
*Your Lunar Return*Let the Moon be your Guide
A one month lunar return report provides you with an accurate "moon forecast" that will help guide you safely through the month.
Calculated for the exact moment the moon returns to the precise place it was in the zodiac at your moment of birth, this report will
tell you what you are facing in the month ahead. Some months are more important than others - Perhaps you are starting a new
relationship, a new job, or are planning an important event. It doesn't matter what you have going on in your life, your lunar
return will walk you through the month, the planetary influences and tell you where you need to proceed with caution. As the planets
change signs, so does your report and each month will be different.
The individual transits begin with the symbolism of the degree at which they occur, followed by an interpretation of their general
meaning and, finish with a specific "issues and influences" which they may bring into your life. Finally, your personal Void of
Course Moon periods will vary widely and are important timing factors in the daily decision making process, so keep a close eye on
Report Length 25+ pages
Follow the Moon!
Unless specified, the report is calculated for current or next closest lunar return.
12.95 Purchase
*Past Lives Report* Your story continues to unfold
Karma, what is it? We each have lessons to learn and our birth chart shows those lessons. Your Past Lives report makes those lessons clear. It puts our lessons up for examination, not to fear, but to acknowledge, and its results are a happier life.
Bernie Ashman has discovered a technique for creating a past life chart that shows life as a continual evolution, the experiences we inherit, and the struggles we confront across the duration of many lives.
Your Past Lives report interprets this chart and provides insight into the talents and obstacles we face as a result of the patterns we continue to work through in each successive reality. By past patterns we are not referring to those developed earlier in life, but the patterns and tendencies from an earlier life, or lives.
The houses, the planets, and the Nodes are covered in your Past Lives Report. The North Node is your current life and South Node represents your past life memories. Interpretations given by Astrologer/Author Bernie Ashman. If you are a believer, or just interested in exploring Reincarnation and your past lives, this report will provide you with the insight you are searching for.
Truly Enlightening!
$24.95 Purchase
*Opportunities* Understanding your Career Potential
Are you happy in your career? Have you had thoughts about changing your career to find fulfillment and growth? Have you ever wondered what career path is best suited for you?
Your Opportunities Report takes your natal chart and pinpoints the best area for your talents and career endeavors. Because we continue to advance in our lives, Opportunities uses both transits and progressions to show the current influences on career and your personal expression. No matter where you are in life, Opportunities weighs those present influences, considering them through the window of your natal chart, and provides you with advice and direction that can help you discover the most fulfilling and rewarding path for you to pursue.
Your Opportunities report explores your Ascendant, the indicator of how you interact with the world, your creativity and its role in your career, your psychological strengths and how you interact with others, how you apply your energy in the work you do using Saturn and Mars as indicators in your career, your career success and how you build your reputation, the best place and people for you to work with, your self esteem, financial considerations, and a look at indicators of your higher purpose.
Interpretations by Stephanie Clement, Ph.D. in Transpersonal Psychology, Astrologer with 25 years experience and Author of numerous books.
Explore your creative potential!
Average report length 25-30 pages
$14.95 Purchase
*Child Star* Babies do come with instructions!
Wouldn't it be nice if every parent received a manual on how to raise their child to grow up to be a happy, healthy, and fulfilled person? This Child Star Report is the next best thing! This report gives you a unique natal report based on the child's birth data that will provide a parent or caregiver unique insight into the child's strengths, potential, aptitude, and also recognizes challenges that the child and parent may encounter as the child develops. It also provides suggestions on how to recognize and redirect negative tendencies and often turning those tendencies around to the child's advantage is another area this Child Star Report will help you.
Child Star presents essential information that will guide you through providing the right environment, stimulation and even corrective measures that will help your child reach his or her full potential physically, mentally, emotionally, and even spiritually.
Your Child Star report also explores the special individual relationships that evolve between the child and mother and the child and father. This information can help each parent fulfill their essential role in their child's healthy emotional development. This is insight that can enhance a sense of bonding with each parent that will be important to a child throughout their lives.
Also explore a detailed analysis of the planets and aspects in the child's chart, the houses of the child's chart, the child's potential, talents and possible challenges, an overview of significant life periods and much more.
Interpretations by Kathie Garcia, a certified Montessori teacher with 32 years of astrology study. I recommend this report to all new parents or guardians as an enlightening map of your child that only the stars could have created in heaven. Every child, and every parent should have a Child Star Report. Please let us know if the child is a girl or boy.
A beautiful gift to give yourself or a friend!
$19.95 Purchase
*Just For Women* The true essence of the woman in you
Since the beginning of time, the role of a woman continues to evolve and change, albeit not soon enough! Today's women are often expected to wear many hats, playing the role of a mother, a wife, and a career woman, and often involvement her community. Consequently, as a woman you must perform these roles and sacrifice your own needs for the needs of others.
Where to put your energy as a woman can sometimes be a difficult task in keeping yourself fit emotionally and intellectually, while maintaining optimum health for yourself as well as those that depend on you. Your Just for Women Report is an intimate tour of your natal chart that clearly shows you the full range of talents and resources you possess and may not be fully aware of.
Just for Women carefully reveals each layer of your complex character and gives you access to all of your strengths and power. This is not just an intellectual exercise, it is an empowering journey that can invigorate and energize your life.
Your Just for Women report covers every facet of the modern woman's experience: who she is, how she appears to others, how she relates to feminine and masculine qualities, developing the mind, using intuition, career and path, relationships, power issues, and embracing the divine self.
Interpretations by Astrologer Gloria Star.
Intelligent and sophisticated.
Average Report Length 30-35 pages
$14.95 Purchase
E-mail orders are processed and delivered within 24 - 48 hours, most times within a few short hours of processing your information.
Customer Comments
I became interested in astrology several years ago after learning how astrologer Joan Quigley had successfully guided Ronald and Nancy Reagan thru difficult times during his presidency. I frequently visit many of the top websites dealing with this subject. Some are better than others but Horoscopes Within is in a class of its own, thanks to the quality of Cornelia Jones' insightful and substantive monthly forecasts.
Recently, I hired her to do a personal reading for me regarding a lengthy legal matter. My case was finally coming to trial and I needed expert guidance. After a careful and in-depth analysis of my chart she was able to report that I had favorable aspects during this time period. In fact, she was able to provide me with an exact date and time that was most favorable for a settlement agreement. My attorney took Cornelia's advice and scheduled a mediation for the time and date she had selected. No one--including the mediator--walked into that meeting believing we had a chance to settle since past efforts had gone so badly. Yet settle we did and I was spared the stress and uncertainty of a trial!! When we left, even the mediator admitted he was amazed and said, "you must have had all the stars lined up on your side." And, I could have added, the world's best astrologer!! Thank you, Cornelia!!!
Kathleen L. Stillwater, Minnesota
OMG, the Woman’s Report is so “Amazing”, I haven’t finished it yet because I keep having to re-read paragraphs because it’s eliciting awareness and healing revelations. Every woman should have one done for themselves. I know I will be reading it for years to come and finding new information with even deeper understanding. You can quote me on that! I’m so happy I chose it. Thank you very much
Mary S. Sarnia, Canada
I would like to thank you for your exceptional customer service and for sending my natal chart at no charge. Also, I wanted to let you know that even though the report I ordered was created using computer software, it held a number of points going on in my current situation. I suppose it is easier to read when you can rationalize the terms with your own circumstances, and it helps that each transit and aspect does represent aspects to my own natal planets. I certainly feel that the report was well worth the cost and an ideal way for someone to explore their life through astrology without having to invest in a personal reading. Again, thank you for your generosity and for offering a wide variety of reports, making it easier to choose the right one for me.
Millie R. Maryland, USA
Thank you for sending me the readings so quickly. Also many thanks to you for the gift of the free report and for the wisdom and guidance outlined in the pages, which I've found really helpful. I've always been amazed what a vast reservoir of hidden information about personality astrology can shed light on, and truly admire people like you and Mr. Steven Forrest, who can reveal and interpret this knowledge to make it accessible for others. I hope I can incorporate these insights into dealing more successfully with current and future issues and situations emerging in my life.
Erika K. Budapest, Hungary
When I read my "Sky Within" report I was amazed at the accurate portrayal of my personality and my life in
general. It pointed out things that made me nod and say "hm-hm" - that's why I always react the way I do. It gave me insight into
my thinking, feeling and spiritual senses. After certain events in my life have happened I can no longer just sit back and say "what
coincidence." Whether it's God or the heavens and the stars I know our lives are not simply lived in a vacuum without any direction.
I encourage others to read their own "Sky Within" report and see what I mean.
Anita A. Alabama, USA
I must admit I tend to be very skeptical when it comes to these things but since I do believe in Astrology I thought I would give your
report a try. My jaw dropped while I was reading the report I ordered!!! I was amazed at how well it described everything I have
been going through recently! I'm so glad I have something I can refer to in the future and know that this report will give me a
better understanding. My report was beautifully written and very thorough. Thank you very much for offering these horoscope
reports. I will be recommending your site to everyone I know!
Terry G. California, USA
The intuitive analysis of my complete horoscope has been unbelievably helpful to me as I plan my life working with the universe.
Anne M. Alabama, USA
Thank you for your great report service! The minor investment is far less than the knowledge you have given me! I'll be back!
Mark L. New Jersey, USA
My Life Progessions report was right on target! My life has been going through some changes and I often wonder what is next. Now I have a better idea about what to expect in the near future. Thank you for making
this report available and affordable! I also really really enjoy your in-depth monthly horoscopes...they always
fit what I am going through. I will order the Opportunities horoscope next!
Caroline Y. London, England
The report I ordered has been extremely helpful to me. I have read it several times and each time I discover and learn something new. There really is a wealth of information offered in your personal horoscopes. I'm glad I chose the purchase option. Thank you!!
Sharon B. Georgia, USA
This is the second time I have purchased from you. I read the sample, but I was amazed at how different the second report was and how it covered my current transits. I enjoy them both very much.
John W. Ontario, Canada