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Aspects to Natal Planets

Sun Moon Mercury Venus Mars
Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto


Uranus conjunct Ascendant
A time that can mean great change for you personally, during which you break away from the past and try new and different ways of presenting yourself. Breakthroughs in personal relations, perhaps through unconventional behavior and appearance, may occur.

Uranus opposite Ascendant
A time for discovering others or for finding yourself able to respond to friends or lovers and enter into relationships with a renewed sense of love and compassion. Real breakthroughs, willingness to try new and different approaches to relationships.

Uranus square Ascendant
Sudden insight into your job, family, and sense of security. You could be asserting more independence, perhaps at the expense of your friends and relationships -- engrossed in your personal and domestic scene.

Uranus sextile Ascendant
New means of self-expression and communication are possible. You may find yourself changing your appearance, moving toward the more unconventional and less traditional. Eccentricities and a different manner of presenting yourself may be in order.

Uranus trine Ascendant
New means of self-expression and communication are possible. You may find yourself changing your appearance, moving toward the more unconventional and less traditional. Eccentricities and a different manner of presenting yourself may be in order.

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Uranus conjunct Sun
A time of real breakthroughs, when insights into your self and your ambitions will be possible. This is a time when authority figures and older people, especially men, may figure in your life. The discovery of a teacher or vision of the future is possible.

Uranus opposite Sun
A time when considerable tension could accumulate, with release coming in the form of unexpected bursts of temper that may well involve other people. You may find yourself feeling rebellious, challenging those in authority or the established order.

Uranus square Sun
You may have to control an urge to rebel and be different that could set your ambitions and goals back a step. An inner struggle between your sense of purpose or direction and a need for independence and freedom makes this a possibly tense time.

Uranus sextile Sun
A time during which you may be able to break through and move ahead with your ambitions and general life's purpose. You could receive unexpected help from someone older or from authority figures. A man or teacher could appear.

Uranus trine Sun
A time during which you may be able to break through and move ahead with your ambitions and general life's purpose. You could receive unexpected help from someone older or from authority figures. A man or teacher could appear.

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Uranus conjunct Moon
A time when the new and unexpected may figure in your living situation or surroundings. An insight about your support system, your mother, or other females may be important. You could discover a student or a younger person that opens to you.

Uranus opposite Moon
A (perhaps) difficult time when you could find yourself feeling rebellious and independent regarding your current situation or surroundings. Your erratic behavior could bring you in opposition to a group or younger person or just strain relationships.

Uranus square Moon
An urge to change and try new things may challenge and upset your domestic scene or support system. In this case, your tendency to rebel acts at cross-purposes to those who care for you. A no-win situation that requires treading a fine line on your part.

Uranus sextile Moon
You could receive unexpected help or support from those around you especially someone younger or a woman. A time when you may get insights into your living situation or support system. New ideas about your past history, new approaches to established facts.

Uranus trine Moon
You could receive unexpected help or support from those around you especially someone younger or a woman. A time when you may get insights into your living situation or support system. New ideas about your past history, new approaches to established facts.

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Uranus conjunct Mercury
A time when you could achieve real breakthroughs in the form of ideas, communications, and the mind in general. Computers and electronics may suddenly become important. Insight into your own mental workings, original thoughts, and the like.

Uranus opposite Mercury
You could be under considerable mental tension or feel hemmed in by an overly conservative mental atmosphere. You may feel compelled to change your mind now and have new thoughts and forms of expression. Bucking other people's ideas may be in order.

Uranus square Mercury
A tendency to act suddenly, without thought or consideration. A lot of mental tension or worry stemming from a rebellion against ideas, the way you think and communicate. An urge to break out of old mental patterns that could be destructive.

Uranus sextile Mercury
A time to have new thoughts and sudden insights and to get an unexpected boost in the way you think, speak, or write. Communications are facilitated, connections of all kinds, news, and so on, are furthered, often at the expense of tradition, established order.

Uranus trine Mercury
A time to have new thoughts and sudden insights and to get an unexpected boost in the way you think, speak, or write. Communications are facilitated, connections of all kinds, news, and so on, are furthered, often at the expense of tradition, established order.

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Uranus conjunct Venus
New and (perhaps) unusual ways of appreciating and loving may be possible now. You may discover something new about love or may adopt a different and unconventional value system for a time.

Uranus opposite Venus
A time during which you could be unappreciative of much of your life, especially your standards and value system. Freedom and independence come to the fore, possibly provoking independent and unusual behavior in you. You may not be appreciated for this.

Uranus square Venus
Your value system may receive a challenge from a new independent streak that wants to break away and try new things. You may not appreciate the urge to upset and change things that is trying to assert itself. This leads to tension.

Uranus sextile Venus
A time during which you discover new and different reasons or ways to enjoy and appreciate life. A kind of mini-revolution may find you altering your value system, allowing you to like new things. A new approach to love and compassion.

Uranus trine Venus
A time during which you discover new and different reasons or ways to enjoy and appreciate life. A kind of mini-revolution may find you altering your value system, allowing you to like new things. A new approach to love and compassion.

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Uranus conjunct Mars
A time during which insights into your emotions or drive may be forthcoming. You may discover new and unconventional feelings, or bursts of temper or other emotions may occur. A time of emotional breakthrough and discovery.

Uranus opposite Mars
Unexpected behavior and an urge to be independent could find you ignoring your feelings and much of what has motivated you up to now, taking you off in a different direction. Your unusual behavior could provoke others, cause emotional confrontation.

Uranus square Mars
A possibly explosive time during which a rebellious urge within you presents an emotional challenge. You may have to resist attempts to divert your drive and energy in directions that will take you nowhere. A lot of heavy energy.

Uranus sextile Mars
A time during which you are unusually motivated or driven in new and unexpected directions. You could receive unexpected backing and, in general, your efforts are successful and reach new heights of originality. New and unexpected emotions may come up.

Uranus trine Mars
A time during which you are unusually motivated or driven in new and unexpected directions. You could receive unexpected backing and, in general, your efforts are successful and reach new heights of originality. New and unexpected emotions may come up.

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Uranus conjunct Jupiter
Career insight and breakthroughs are possible. You might discover that unconventional solutions to life's problems or new directions and paths are in order. You could find a teacher or guide, a new approach to your career, and so on.

Uranus opposite Jupiter
A restless time, which could find you trying new and unexpected ideas at the expense of the status quo, especially your career. You may feel like breaking out, getting away from the path you have taken up to now. Sudden breaks from the routine.

Uranus square Jupiter
An urge on your part to rebel or break away could affect your career direction or vocation. Your wish to be independent, to try new things, and so on comes at an inappropriate time and could cause real tensions at work.

Uranus sextile Jupiter
Breakthroughs in your career could open up during this time, making it possible for you to solve problems and reach new levels of accomplishment. Improved solutions, insights, and approaches make this an opportunity not to be passed over.

Uranus trine Jupiter
Breakthroughs in your career could open up during this time, making it possible for you to solve problems and reach new levels of accomplishment. Improved solutions, insights, and approaches make this an opportunity not to be passed over.

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Uranus conjunct Saturn
New ways to organize and discipline yourself are possible now. Here is an opportunity to get some insight into some of your problems and responsibilities that may prove of great value in the years to come. Break up old habits, get out of ruts, and so on.

Uranus opposite Saturn
A tendency to break away from routine, ignore responsibilities, try new and different things. This unusual behavior on your part could challenge your sense of order and discipline, sending you into a time when you are unpredictable, even unstable.

Uranus square Saturn
Go slowly just now. A tendency toward change and the unexpected or new could affect your sense of security. A rebellious mood might find you wanting to ignore responsibilities and go against what you have built or established. Something could break.

Uranus sextile Saturn
A time for new accomplishments, during which insights and breakthroughs in organization and determination are in order. A revolution within the established order, when new ideas and ways to do and use things become clear.

Uranus trine Saturn
A time for new accomplishments, during which insights and breakthroughs in organization and determination are in order. A revolution within the established order, when new ideas and ways to do and use things become clear.

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Uranus conjunct Uranus
An important event that marks a time during which you can have the experience of taking a greater role in the creation of life itself. You become one with the creative force to a marked extent.

Uranus opposite Uranus
Coming around the 42nd year, it's no wonder this aspect has been called one of "forty-tude." It often signifies an attempt to reverse the current life direction, to "stop the world, I want to get off" and redirect toward more personal, religious issues.

Uranus square Uranus
A period of pressure and tension relating to your sense of independence and freedom. You may find yourself curbing a tendency within to rebel and actually finding freedom this time by pursuing more established routes.

Uranus sextile Uranus
A surge of independence, a need for freedom, and an interest in trying new and different things may take hold of you. Unusual or unconventional behavior, an interest in the exotic or in eccentric friends. Breaking away, turning over the apple cart.

Uranus trine Uranus
A surge of independence, a need for freedom, and an interest in trying new and different things may take hold of you. Unusual or unconventional behavior, an interest in the exotic or in eccentric friends. Breaking away, turning over the apple cart.

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Uranus conjunct Neptune
A time of discoveries and insights, in particular as they relate to your most inner dreams, visions, and ideals. New ways to feel union and communion with life, and also some new escapes. Your imagination really opens up and breaks through.

Uranus opposite Neptune
A time of independence when you may try new and different things that don't necessarily go with your established ideals and image of yourself. You could rebel against sentimentality, too much dreaming, and any "pie in the sky" you bought in the past.

Uranus square Neptune
You could find yourself struggling to overthrow everything that is dreamy or other-worldly in you, perhaps even undermining your real dreams and ideals. Don't throw the baby out with the bath water. Perhaps your rebelliousness can be kept in tow.

Uranus sextile Neptune
There is the possibility of new visions or sudden insights into your self-image or into your ideals and dreams. A time to reshape and renew your philosophy or religion, during which your imagination is at full tilt. Breakthroughs in compassion and communion.

Uranus trine Neptune
There is the possibility of new visions or sudden insights into your self-image or into your ideals and dreams. A time to reshape and renew your philosophy or religion, during which your imagination is at full tilt. Breakthroughs in compassion and communion.

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Uranus conjunct Pluto
A time when personal insight into your most secret and personal psychological self may be possible. Breaking with what went before, you may find new ways to transform yourself. Penetrating to the heart, opening up what is sealed.

Uranus opposite Pluto
A time when you may feel rebellious and act out a need for freedom, especially from any psychological and deep-seated feelings of insecurity and vulnerability. You have no interest in self-analysis, deep conversations, gossip, and the like.

Uranus square Pluto
An urge to rebel against all that is hidden, private, and secret about yourself. Your independence could be at the price of superficiality, denying opportunities for inner change and growth. Internal pressures could burst out of the closet.

Uranus sextile Pluto
A time of sudden insights (maybe jolts) into some of the most sensitive and vulnerable areas of your inner self and psychology. Breakthroughs regarding inner growth and transformation. A time during which you reach new levels in understanding life and death.

Uranus trine Pluto
A time of sudden insights (maybe jolts) into some of the most sensitive and vulnerable areas of your inner self and psychology. Breakthroughs regarding inner growth and transformation. A time during which you reach new levels in understanding life and death.

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Uranus conjunct Midheaven
A powerful time of change, during which you may have great insight into your career. You could change jobs or suddenly find a way to transform and improve your current job. A certain amount of mental tension can be expected, so bear with it.

Uranus opposite Midheaven
Sudden insight into your home, family, and sense of security. You could be asserting more independence, perhaps at the expense of your job or career by spending more time away from it, engrossed in your personal and domestic scene.

Uranus square Midheaven
A time for discovering others or for finding yourself able to respond to friends and lovers and enter into relationships with a renewed sense of love and compassion. Real breakthroughs, a willingness to try new and different approaches to relationships.

Uranus sextile Midheaven
Insights and breakthroughs regarding career. A time during which new ideas and approaches in management, and all practical vision are possible. Perhaps a new-found independence and originality manifests itself in your working environment.

Uranus trine Midheaven
Insights and breakthroughs regarding career. A time during which new ideas and approaches in management, and all practical vision are possible. Perhaps a new-found independence and originality manifests itself in your working environment.

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